Tuesday, July 29, 2008


So, So. Cal. had a good sized Earthquake today, not "the big one" but one big enough to remind us all that it is still a possibility hear in CA.

No one was hurt, and hardly any significant damage was done.

I can remember only two big earthquakes, in my lifetime, though I've lived out quite a few. Lots of little ones, but quite a few big ones. My mom told me of when I was little, and we watched the telephone poles swing back and forth.... this was when we were in Long Beach.

I remember the Northridge one, which happened when I was about 6 or so.I remember it waking me up, and I sat up in my bed, but didn't know what to do. Then my mom came and got me and my little bro, who was still sleeping, and they put in between the doorway, with her over us, because they heard that that was the safest place to be. My step-dad, went out side, while it was still shaking, and the shaking lasted for awhile. It was a 6.7 and there was a lot of damage. That I remember.

Then, the Hector Mine, which was a 7.1, and the largest we felt in decades, I believe, happened in 1999, when I was living in Fontana, and that one was huge and enormous. It happened in the middle of the night, and you could hardly walk it was rolling so hard. I couldn't even open my door.

My mom told me that when she first moved to California from Detroit, she was signing up for insurance or something like that and it began to shake, and she got under the desk and started screaming that California was going to fall into the ocean! This was it! lol