Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Monday, December 30, 2013

Hollywood Hike

Finally made it to the Hollywood Sign!  ...but was not able to touch it... It is surrounded by a large fence and lots of surveillance.

It is a short hike, maybe 3-4 miles, with lots of visitors.  It was funny seeing some trying to walk up the path in designer shoes, and/or heels.

Info to get to the sign: http://hollywoodsigntrip.com/

Thursday, December 5, 2013

I was watching the news coverage of Mr. Mandela's death, and they were showing footage of the crowd gathering outside of Mandela's house... as it grew the crowd began dancing, and then the camera focused in on a lady holding a picture that said "It's in our hands now". As the coverage continued, the news program began interviewing leaders and prisoners that worked and served jail time alongside Mandela, and something just struck me- Mandela gave voice to the struggle, but was not the sole figure that brought about change. It took a coalition of leaders and everyday workers, to take a stand and challenge injustice. Mother Teresa once said that God did not call us to be successful in life, but to be faithful, and to be faithful in the little things first. Mandela was a great man, who was surrounded by other great men and women, who all, I believe, mastered the art of being faithful with even the smallest responsibilities that they were given. And before they could achieve what they did, they had to start small... Large things always begin small. You don't have to be Mandela to change the world... you just have to be awake, aware, ready to be challenged, and willing to sacrifice, even if its a few minutes of your time.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Turkey Trot and Reindeer Dash 5k's

A first in a series of runs with my uncle :)

The mayor of Ontario ran this with us as well.  Proud to say I beat my time :)

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

OC Zoo

I did not know Orange County had a zoo.  Its small but it is cute, and features native wildlife.  And it is affordable!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Columbia, South Carolina

We had an extra day in South Carolina, so we did a bit of sight seeing, before coming home.

First stop: US Army Basic Combat Training Museum

Next, off to the South Carolina State House

The Confederate Flag still flies...


And Southern Pride still living...  
A statue of Calhoun (to the left), stands in the middle of the second floor of the State House.  In front of it, you can find a bust of General Robert E Lee (to the right).  

Inside, the State House is absolutely beautiful.

We got to sit in on a Senate meeting, and it was actually very interesting to say the least.  

Always wanted to take a picture like this on a staircase. :P

We took Taxis everywhere.  This is the part that made this trip expensive.

And the flight back home...