Friday, January 16, 2015

Oh my friend loneliness, where have you been?

Oh my friend loneliness, where have you been?
You left to the lure of the lover who left me alone
But now you come crawling back, and I'll let you in
And we'll slip into groove that we cut in ourselves long ago.

- Frank Turner -

The 2014 theme for so many people, and it seems to be continuing into this year.  Except this time we are old pros and know how to manage it.  

Wine anyone?

Actually, I think that we were all wandering around alone, and then found each other in 2014.  So now we help each other.

And finish the wine around a fire.  

Friday, January 2, 2015

San Francisco, CA: A long ass bike ride

We've heard of biking around a city, so we tried it out and rented bikes for the day.  
We got a good deal through our hostel, and went off for the day.

... for approx. 23 miles.... 

I had to do a lot of convincing to one of these girls, but we did it, and we biked across the Golden Gate Bridge to Saulcedo.  Then we took a Ferry back, so we didn't have to make it 46 miles.  

Thursday, January 1, 2015

San Francisco, CA: Orange Village Hostel

Orange Village Hostel
411 O'Farrell St, San Francisco

Yet another Hostel down, and another intro to hostel living for the girls.  This one was not too shabby at all.  We had our own bathroom, which was great, and they gave us free breakfast :)

It wasn't as nice as some of the others though, but adequate enough.  

Community responsibility ya'll

Quick tour:

The was a common area, a kitchen, and lobby.
Plus, breakfast every morning, with Nutella!