Sunday, March 30, 2014

Broke a personal record this week...

Tuesday- 8 miles w/ 20lb weight
Wednesday- 5 miles
Friday- 12 miles w/ 25lb weight
Total: 25 miles


The only thing that sucks... near the 20th mile, I started to get a sharp pain starting from the bottom outside of my foot, to the ankle, and behind the ankle bump.  I could climb rocks and hills fine, but once I got onto even ground, and put pressure evenly on my foot, my foot would shoot pain.

I remembered in Anatomy, learning about the muscle and tendon that wraps around the foot, and is what turns the foot outwards, and my best guess was that I had strained that muscle.

So I slowly made it home, trying not to complain too much, and made it to the doctors the next evening, after work (retail... frick...).  The diagnosis, Peroneal Tendonitis.... just what I had thought.  So now I am in this magic boot until the pain subsides, and I have to rest from hiking. :/

Why?!  I looked it up, and others with the same problem express the same frustrations, so at least I know I am not alone.

Here are some pics from the hikes at least :)

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