Friday, November 14, 2014

Camp: Be a Light pt. 1

My art for the day

"For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others."
- Nelson Mandela -

I just got off the phone with my summer room mate, and this just made my night.  In addition to this, I have been responding to e-mails letting many know that I will not be coming back, while looking at old summer photos, and I realized that I am lucky to have spent a summer with them.

To be honest though, I feel like I am on an emotional roller coaster:  I am happy and blessed to have been apart of this time, sad I won't be again, and angry at all the crap that went on and is continuing. 

Camp Winaukee is a beautiful place, as was Camp Moosilauke, and while its location set the backdrop and provided the opportunities for life changing beauty, the camps themselves were merely the petri dishes on which an amazing thing took place.

Both had their values that made them unique: Camp Moosilauke in their core values, and Camp Winaukee in their staff diversity.

Camp Moosilauke the camp upheld values that were held to a higher esteem than the Winaukee, and this brought a different kind of magic to the camp.  Campers were actively taught to be more confident and responsible men and citizens, and I am confident that the campers here came home with a greater sense of self and social responsibility.  Diversity was more evident in the campers, they gave scholarships to many, and every camper paid the same price, and were treated at the same level.   Money would not be allowed as a reasoning for excusing bad behavior, and campers were sent home. The thing it lacked, when I worked there, was diversity and a stronger sense of awareness to the issues that arouse with the staff. Moosilauke was a camp that did appreciate and cultivate a connected staff, though diversity was not a strong point.  Even though I did not fit as well into Moosilauke's employee culture, I believe as they treat the staff with some sort of uniformity, and this will contribute most to their success in the long run, as well as their positive impact on the kids.

Camp Winaukee fully embraced diversity, especially on the Island, and actively sought it.  I personally had a better connection with the staff and met amazing people. The campers were given many opportunities to do things on camp, but they never went out much.  The common complaint heard was a lack of support of the staff, and the amount that politics, money, and egos contributed to a huge changes in this camp.   There were things occurring that were unethical and unhealthy, and the campers were hardly ever held fully responsible for their actions.  Money ruled here.

I took a stand when I saw fit, and though I honestly and ultimately saw faults in both sides, I took the most stand against the side of the leaders that ultimately won the battle.  They stood for so much that I did not, and that I ended up morally having to stand against, from they way they spoke and treated people, to ensuring that the foreign staff were being treated with respect.  It saddens me, because it is so evident that Winaukee is missing such a valuable opportunity to impact the lives of these children for the better, but it's more of a playground for the rich.  Granted, their high tuition is keeps them open, I am not confident their campers truly learn how to be better people, and responsible citizens.

These two experiences though taught me something huge: It wasn't necessarily the leadership that made the summer for the staff, nor was it the sunsets, or the trees, or the lakes, but it was the staff and the relationships built themselves.  Though the leadership initially contributed to this during the hiring process, it was the character of the other staff that brought everyone through rough moments, and rocky leadership.  The counselors who do continue to come back, do so because of the friendships they made.  The beauty and opportunities made available are other factors, and then the pride of what the camp stands for, in especially the cases of the Island (former staff) and Moosilauke.

Camps can, and do, offer great opportunities for children and staff alike.  It is an opportunity to teach core values, stretch people beyond their thought limits, and contribute to building them to be more responsible people.  In doing so, accountability, respect, freedom, and honor is vital to being this light, and should be extended to every person involved.

Note the difference in the two.  Another note, most of the individuals in the Winaukee video were not asked back, or are not coming back.

The Moosilauke Philosophy from Camp Moosilauke on Vimeo.

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