Sunday, December 30, 2012

2012 CA Human Trafficking Initiatives

Well, 2012 was a big year for Human Trafficking Initiatives... these were my adventures for the year

Mom really got involved with the Plurway Ministry, which is a ministry that reaches out to Ravers.  Essentially, moms go out to raves, pass out these bracelets, and help out ravers in need.  They pray and minister to them, but the majority of their time is spent helping people find their cars, rehydrate, sober up, stay safe, and those who are overdosing.  Drugs are a large part of these raves.

January 28- San Bernardino Coalition Against Sexual Exploitation, Human Trafficking awareness rally/walk.

The San Bernardino County DA, attended the event, and gave a promise to work with the SBCASE to help address the issues and need in SBC. 

January 30th- preview of the movie Flesh at the Fox Theater in Pomona.  

City Mayor made a proclamation to work to end human trafficking and exploitation in Pomona.


Febuary 23- Human Trafficking Presentation

Did a lot of these kinds of presentations, as the CASE Act ballot petitions were circulating, in the hopes of getting it on the ballot. 

March 11- The California Against Sexual Exploitation Act officially had enough signatures to be placed on the ballot, and in November, it was passed by Californians.  

March 12, 2012
Prevent Abuse Luncheon
With the Los Angeles National Police Officers Association


My uncle Vince :)

Michael Reagan as a speaker

May 18- Third Step Fundraiser

Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas workout

Bootcamp Christmas workout :)

The little things make it all beautiful.  These are some of the things that make bootcamp awesome.  

I love the enthusiasm of the directors and participants alike.  

Gettin' healthy!!!

A new year is coming up, and I am facing new realizations.

I realized that I avoid many of the outside activities with the Boot Camp peeps, because I am still embarrassed about my weight.  I already look foolish during the training, and I don't want to make it worse outside of it.

For instance,  I honestly wanted to attend the boot camp "winter olympics", but avoided it, because, besides the fact that I had family visiting,  I just knew that I would be the last one running... the last one in everything.  It sucks to hold the entire group up.  I did test my running 4 laps, on my own at the Biola track, and  I got 11:32 minutes, and that was running 30 secs, power walking 30 secs.

I hope that one day I will be able to run a 5k with them, or do other special things that they do, but as of now, I am still extremely terrified of exposing myself too much.  I am just not confident that I can handle this on my own right now.  I am already doing everything else on my own, and sometimes,  feeling so alone in it all is just the worse.

I know... I workout in boot camp groups, so feeling lonely is not easy to feel really.  It not so much a matter of being the last one really, but like the one so far behind, it is easy for someone to forget you were even there, and that is precisely where it gets lonely.... and when I fight embarrassment from taking over.  The overall environment of the camp certainly does make it easier to overcome this... but outside of it, I am not sure.

So, until I can even just keep up, I continue to stay away because of insecurity... I'm working on that.

I hope that this year, I can learn to "put myself out there" and do things that I want to, not letting embarrassment get to me, or keep me back.  Pura Vida!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

When, when, when...

When I get to the weight that I hope to be forever, I am buying beautiful tops, and skirts, that are embroidered with colors, and I am wearing bright colors, with designs from every nation.  Different variations, different styles.  From around the world.   I could certainly wear them now, but they are mostly made in smaller sizes.

Then, once I am finished with schooling, and have the money to take lessons, and buy the right outfits, I am taking up flamenco spanish-style dancing, as well as an indian form of dancing.

Once I am under the right weight limit, can afford it, and can find someone to go with, or at least travel to the station with, I am skydiving.

Monday, December 10, 2012

1 pound of Spinach

Hmmmm.... This is what I found out about spinach.

1 pound, fresh spinach, when steamed, equals 1.5 cups

So I make shakes!

The camp trainers have asked me to incorporate 2lbs of veggies and at least 1 gallon of water into my diet... It is rough to do... it is really difficult to tell you the truth.  I hope this works, and so far shakes are helping.  Sometimes I add fruit juices, or fruit, and add wheat germ.

Don't Stop, Don't Give Up!

Our Boot Camp leaders sent this out to us :)

Yo Gabba Gabba

If you’re trying to summon the strength to make it through your workout or anything for that matter, little Ryan has a song that’ll do the trick. Granted, she appears to be making the lyrics up as she goes, but that’s just part of the magic.
Just remember: “Don’t stop. Don’t give up. Don’t stop. Don’t give up. Keep trying. You’ll get it right. You’ll get it right.”